
Rainbow Gurl - LGBTIQ arthouse film, starring Chrisentiae Saint-Piaf
released Friday 8 January 2016

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Transgender medical rights are human rights.

Page Contents

1. Transgender, what it means.
2. Why transition legislation is needed in Victoria.
3. My experience - verbal sexual abuse.
4. Incompetence: Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
5. Vested medical interests.
6. Psychiatrist Fintan Harte, "sadistic, traumatising and unprofessional".

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1. Transgender, what it means.

1. Being transgender is NOT a psychiatric/mental health issue.
2. Being transgender is NOT a sexual condition.
3. Being transgender is NOTHING to do with sexual orientation.
4. Being transgender IS A PHYSICAL problem.
5. A transgender person determining medical support and care, Informed Consent Model, is ESSENTIAL.

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2. Why transition legislation is needed in Victoria.

1. Transgender persons have no legislated medical rights in Victoria and this has led to years of abuse of power by vested medical interests and harm to transgender persons.

These vested medical interests include Prahran Market Clinic, Northside Clinic, Psychiatrist Fintan Harte, Psychiatrist Jaco Erasmus, Monash Gender Dysphoria Clinic, and ANZPATH.

These vested medical interests arrogantly presume they have a right to decide if a transgender person receives medical care or not. They have no medical and no legal basis for this and are unaccountable with the harm they have been inflicting for many years on vulnerable and often desperate persons seeking medical care.

These vested medical interests think because they have graduated with a medical degree in some area, that they are qualified to judge transgender persons - they are not qualified, they are arrogant and self deluded. They are harming transgender persons.

2. Transgender persons need legislated medical rights so that they can determine the medical care they need. The best practise model is the "Informed Consent Model". This is where the transgender person is informed of medical options and then decides, giving consent for the medical care.

The Informed Consent Model needs to replace the Vested Medical Interests Model.

3. The Parliament of Victoria has a responsibility to transgender persons, to ensure that medical access is available without fear and intimidation, which the Vested Medical Interest Model works on.

I began advocating Transgender Medical Rights in 2013.

In 2014 the Victorian Liberal/National Government of Denis Napthine refused to stop the medical harm of transgender persons.

In 2014 and again into 2015 the Victorian Labor Government of Daniel Andrews also refused to stop the medical harm of transgender persons.

4. It is affirmed by Australian Human Rights Commission that the Informed Consent Model is needed.

Australian Human Rights Commission
Resilient Individuals: Sexual Orientation Gender Identity & Intersex Rights
page 46:
Trans and gender diverse people
9.2 Restriction of access to healthcare
"a model of care known as 'the informed consent model' was suggested for Australia. This model requires a detailed discussion between the clinician and patient that covers the risks and benefits of treatment. International evidence provided in the consultation posited that such models are rapidly gaining international support."
[ref 117]
National SOGII Consultation public meeting hosted by TransHealth Australia and Cairns Sexual Health Clinic, Cairns 27 October 2014.

Australian Human Rights Commission report:
Resilient Individuals: Sexual Orientation Gender Identity & Intersex Rights NATIONAL CONSULTATION REPORT 2015

5. With transgender persons at the mercy of ruthless, self serving vested medical interests who think they know better and Governments who just don't care, it is a difficult time for transgender persons.

However, Transgender Medical Rights is a human rights matter and it will be achieved. Transgender medical equality will become a reality.

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3. My experience - verbal sexual abuse.

I came out as femyl on 4 July 2011 and immediately began living my gender, femyl. On 30 January 2014 I saw Dr Sven Strecker at Prahran Market Clinic and requested femyl Hormone Replacement Therapy. I was refused treatment and instead referred to Psychiatrist Fintan Harte for approval. I saw Psychiatrist Fintan Harte during April 2014, paid him $568.50, and was verbally sexually abused.

When I went back to Dr Sven Strecker at Prahran Market Clinic I explained what happened and pleaded for medical support. He refused to help me. He gave me the option of seeing Psychiatrist Jaco Erasmus. I told Dr Sven Strecker that he is harming transgender persons and left. I contacted Prahran Market Clinic and they defended their abusive treatment of transgender persons.

Transcript of transgender verbal sexual abuse

30 April 2014, Psychiatrist Fintan Harte office, Albert Road Clinic.

"And what age did you lose your virginity?" --- Psychiatrist Fintan Harte

"Do I have to answer that?" --- Ms Chrisentiae Saint-Piaf

"Yeah, these are questions that psychiatrists ask and if you're not happy about it, you know I'm very happy for you to see somebody else ... so these questions will actually get more, more personal." --- Psychiatrist Fintan Harte

"I am not actually changing gender, I am the gender that I am, which is femyl." --- Ms Chrisentiae Saint-Piaf

"Yeah well, as far as society is concerned and the legal requirements ... they will get more personal, the questions you known, what I am going to be asking. So if you're not happy about that I am happy to end today's session and leave it at that, there is no charge, we'll just bulk bill you for the 15 minutes I've been seeing you, and leave it at that." --- Psychiatrist Fintan Harte

Sexual abuse.

Sexual assault is any sexual behaviour that makes a person feel uncomfortable, frightened or threatened. It is sexual activity to which a person does not agree. The use of emotional or physical violence to force another person to engage in sexual activity also constitutes sexual assault.
source: https://www.thewomens.org.au/patients-visitors/clinics-and-services/violence-sexual-assault

Sexual harassment is unwelcome or unwanted sexual behaviour that offends, humiliates, intimidates.
source: http://www.legalaid.vic.gov.au/find-legal-answers/discrimination-harassment-and-bullying

Characteristics of sexual harassment.
Sexual harassment is multidimensional, ranging from physical forms through to verbal acts and non-verbal forms such as cyberharassment ... verbal acts of harassment - 24 % of women have been subjected to sexually suggestive comments or jokes that offended them since the age of 15.

FRA - European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. 2014. Violence against women: an EU-wide survey. Main results report. Page 95. PDF file download.
source: http://fra.europa.eu/en/publication/2014/vaw-survey-main-results

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4. Incompetence: Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)

The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) are of the mistaken medical view that the sex-perv question, "What age did you lose your virginity?" is of such importance, that failure to answer justifies the denial of Hormone Replacement Therapy. That is their finding, as per their correspondance below dated 18 April 2014.

The AHPRA are also of the mistaken medical view that "... cross sex hormones can have a significant impact on sexuality", therefore justifing the sex-perv interrogation by Psychiatrist Fintan Harte ... his arrogant, abuse of power, answer or get out.

What the AHPRA and Psychiatrist Fintan Harte fail to do is provide any medical evidence for their views. Where is there medical literature to substantiate such sexual interrogation? None exists!

What medical qualifications does Psychiatrist Fintan Harte have regarding transgender persons, what year did he graduation and where? There are NO transgender medical qualifcations, only self appointed medical types like Harte who profess themselves experts and indulge in demanding answers to sex perv questions ... and incompetent regulatory bodies like the AHPRA who side with the abuser over the victim.

What transgender medical studies are there to support the sex-perv attitude of Psychiatrist Fintan Harte? None ... that is the answer.

This is all such medical snake oil peddled by vested medical interests. Psychiatrist Fintan Harte is unfit to provide medical care for transgender persons and that he is allowed to continue merely exposes the incompetence of the medical system in Australia where those needing help are subjected to sexual abuse and told to shut up and comply or get out.

Transgender persons deserve medical equality, the Informed Consent Model of medical care.

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5. Vested medical interests.

Two prominent medical clinics in Victoria, Prahran Market Clinic and Northside Clinic, claim to provide transgender medical care.

Transgender persons are referred to men for assessment, Psychiatrist Fintan Harte and or Psychiatrist Jaco Erasmus. Without their approval, the clinics refuse medical care.

Psychiatric approval is arbitary, without medical and legal basis.

Psychiatrists Fintan Harte, Jaco Erasmus and others have created a transgender registered charity for themselves:
ANZPATH transgender charity

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6. Psychiatrist Fintan Harte, "sadistic, traumatising and unprofessional".

Unedited review:

"I do not even have language strong enough for how appalling Dr Harte was. I had attended the clinic under his predecessor, Dr Trudy Kennedy, who I had always found to have misguided, outdated and stereotypical views but a heart that was in the right place.

Dr Harte, upon his takeover of the clinic, marked an instant shift for the worse. He still had all the outdated and stereotypical views of his predecessor, and still ignored any international guidelines for the care of trans people, but I found his manner and treatment to be - and I say this without exaggeration - sadistic, traumatising and unprofessional.

I've seen some transphobic medical professionals, but no one seemed to actually get off on mistreating me quite as much as Dr Harte. Dr Fintan Harte is one to avoid at all costs unless you want to have trauma counselling afterwards."


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